

Our Books

The Short Stories of Gustav Meyrink Volume 1 (The Opal and other stories)

Author: Gustav Meyrink

Translator: Mike Mitchell, Maurice Raraty  

"These tales: sc-fi, ghost-stories, gothic fables and oriental allegories, were written in the first decade of the 20th century and are now translated for the first time. They make a magnificent introduction to Meyrink's bizarre genius, which combined the sharp Bohemian scepticism of his contemporary Kafka with the mordant humour and outreach of Swift."
The Independent on Sunday


All translations are by Maurice Raraty except for Wethergoblin

The Introduction p5

The Ardent Soldier p15

The Brain p20

Izzi Pizzi p26

The Violet Death p33

The Terror p41

Petroleum, Petroleum p45

The Curse of the Toad p52 The Preparation p60 Dr. Lederer p66 The Opal p72 The Man on the Bottle p78 Blamol p88 The Truth-Drop p97 Dr. Cinderella’s Plants p102 St Gingolph’s Urn p112 The Ring of Saturn p118 The Automobile p128 The Waxworks p135 Fever 146 What’s the use of White Dog Shit? P153 Humming in the Ears p160 Bal Macabre p162 Rupert’s Drops p170 Coagulum p177 The Secret of Hathaway Castle p185 Chimera p191 A Suggestion p196 The Invalid p204 G.M. p206 Wethergoblin (translated by Mike Mitchell ) p214

RRP: £9.99

No. of pages: 222

Publication date: 06.01.2023

Re-print date: 06.01.2023

ISBN numbers:
978 1 915568 04 5
978 1 907650 96 3

World English language in this translation.